Monday, December 21, 2020

Fast Selection Criteria between Thermocouples and RTDs

Thermocouples or RTD

Both RTD and thermocouple probes monitor temperature, but which one is right for your application?

What temperature range are you trying to monitor?

Generally, if the temperature is above a hundred and fifty degrees Celsius, a thermocouple would be used. For anything below a hundred and fifty degrees Celsius, choose an RTD.

What is the required sensor accuracy? 

RTDs provide more accurate readings with repeatable results. Choose RTDs when temperature accuracy and repeatability are critical. 

What is the purchase budget?

Thermocouples can be up to three times less expensive than RTD sensors, making thermocouples the right choice when purchasing large quantities or requirements on tight budgets.

Use these three criteria to narrow down your selection process. There are many other differences between thermocouples and RTDs you need to understand before selection and application.

Always consult a temperature sensor application expert before installing or specifying a thermocouple or RTD where failure can cause harm or personal injury.