Offshore oil and gas platforms require an uninterrupted source of electricity to power a wide variety of specialized equipment used to drill for oil. Pumps, valve operators, critical communications, turntables, motors, and safety systems are just a subset of the drilling and production ecosystem requiring a reliable source of power. Just as critical is the large amounts of electrical power required for the habitation. Electrical generators provide the power for comfort heating, cooling, desalination of water, food preparation, and even waste processing. The power requirements of an offshore platform is not unlike that of a small town.
The most common source of power for these offshore rigs are diesel powered generators. While diesel is still the most common, alternative fuels such as gas, heavy oil, and steam turbines are being produced for offshore platform use. Major turbine manufacturers continue to develop technologies that efficiently use one, or a combination, of these fuels. Additionally, increased savings and efficiencies are being realized through adopting waste heat recovery systems. These recovery systems assist by reusing and recycling energy from exhaust gases of turbines and generators.

operation and, by design, reduce the need for frequent maintenance and overhaul. A specialized temperature sensor, referred to as an "engine compressor thermocouple" is used on platform generator turbines. These are specially designed, heavy-duty temperature sensors used for measuring the exhaust gases from engines, turbines and compressors. These sensors are time-tested and built to withstand the harsh mechanical and environmental conditions subjected by offshore, marine conditions.
For more information about offshore platform compressor thermocouples contact Duro-Sense. You can reach them by phone by calling 310-533-6877 or visit their web site at